onsdag 1 april 2015

Virus B 23 syndrome

y rasul Allah patteli patteli   the waqves wash the beach like the queaan reciters !

as soon as he met the Eyes of a beloved,, there was a sin flickering over the field

like a mental shadow    driving away thje confidence

and madew him seem unusally Close

and ifhe for eve one second denied this controlllessness

he fell inte hard psychopaty

from which he relented Days

feeling like a real murderer

he had no choice

and he knew it

could never work or live a normal Life until his sin was burned down to the ground

so to speak really

Ibliys may Allah protect us from him

or Shytaan

may Allah protect us from him

was a watcher of an ever more perverted pornografy

beginning with the idiotic ntionb (pornografi) that knowledge could be sold

to sell ones soul

the sin of having to Watch pornografi

drove him to loose his distance

to women

making it seem like a jovial come on

really it was his shamefull confession dumb

that drove him out Walking the streets day in and day iut

in seach of relief from whom to share this with?

fitna is worse than killing,

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